obliquity of the ecliptic黄赤交角
- Five bright planets move among the stars near the ecliptic.
五颗明亮的行星在黄道附近的恒星当中移动. - The obliquity of the ecliptic is the fundamental cause of the seasons.
- Several of the vectors lie surprisingly close to the ecliptic plane.
The Spitzer-WISE Survey of the Ecliptic Poles
ULYSSES out-of-ecliptic observations of interplanetary shocks.
An accurate Galactic NH map of the north ecliptic pole
The Deep Ecliptic Survey: A Search for Kuiper Belt Objects and Centaurs. I. Description of Methods and Initial Results
A Catalog of QSO Candidates from a BVRI CCD Survey of the North Ecliptic Pole
Interplanetary shock waves: Ulysses observations in and out of the ecliptic plane
The Deep Ecliptic Survey: A Search for Kuiper Belt Objects and Centaurs. II. Dynamical Classification, the Kuiper Belt Plane, and th...
From the Kuiper Belt to Jupiter-Family Comets: The Spatial Distribution of Ecliptic Comets ☆
The evolution of corotating stream fronts near the ecliptic plane in the inner solar system: 2. Three‐dimensional tilted‐dipole fr...
The Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (WENSS), I. A 570 square degree Mini-Survey around the North Ecliptic Pole