rural economics农村经济
finance and economics经济,财经;金融与经济
information economics信息经济学
institutional economics制度经济学
classical economics古典经济学
development economics发展经济学,开发经济学
school of economics经济学;经济学院
international economics国际经济学
environmental economics环境经济学
industrial economics[经]工业经济学
political economics政治经济学
welfare economics[经]福利经济学
home economics家政学
technical economics技术径济学
london school of economics伦敦经济学院
public economics公共经济学
agricultural economics农业经济学
applied economics n. 应用经济学
health economics健康经济学
behavioral economics行为经济学(经济学的一个范畴,研究实际决策程序对最后作出决策的影响)
- She is studying economics at college.
她在大学里读经济学。 - When they start talking about economics, I'm out of my depth.
他们一谈起经济学,我就一窍不通了。 - A knowledge of economics is fundamental to any understanding of this problem.
The RAND Journal of Economics
Software Engineering Economics
The Review of Economics and Statistics
Clusters and New Economics of Competition
Clusters and the new economics of competition.
The Economics of Climate Change (The Stern Review) - By Nicholas Stern
The Economics of Climate Change (The Stern Review) - By Nicholas Stern
Transaction-Cost Economics: The Governance of Contractual Relations
Self Esteem and the Adolescent. (Economics and the Social Sciences: Society and the Adolescent Self-Image)
Markets and Hierarchies: Analysis and Antitrust Implications: A Study in the Economics of Internal Organization