Ecthyma gangrenosumEcthyma gangrenosumEcthyma gangrenosumEcthyma Gangrenosum Without BacteremiaNonpseudomonal ecthyma gangrenosumEcthyma gangrenosum without bacteraemia in a leukaemic patientEcthyma gangrenosum: considerations in a previously healthy child.Ecthyma gangrenosum without bacteremia. Report of six cases and review of the literaturePseudomonas cepacia endocarditis and ecthyma gangrenosumEcthyma gangrenosum: Report of clinical, histopathologic, and bacteriologic aspects of eight casesPerineal ecthyma gangrenosum in infancy and early childhood: Septicemic and nonsepticemic formsCutaneous lesions in disseminated candidiasis mimicking ecthyma gangrenosum.Pseudomonas maltophilia exoenzyme activity as correlate in pathogenesis of ecthyma gangrenosum.