Ecumenical Expressivism: Finessing FregeDecrees of the ecumenical councilsDecrees of the Ecumenical Councils: From Nicaea I to Vatican IICaring for Creation: An Ecumenical Approach to the Environmental Crisis. By Max OelschlaegerThe Seven Dimensions of Spiritual Intelligence: An Ecumenical, Grounded TheoryAfter Cloven Tongues of Fire: Ecumenical Protestantism and the Modern American Encounter with DiversitySelection and evolution of virulence in bacteria: an ecumenical excursion and modest suggestion.Determination of Ace.1 Genotypes in Single Mosquitoes: Toward an Ecumenical Biochemical TestThe Impact of Campus Context, College Encounters, and Religious/Spiritual Struggle on Ecumenical Worldview DevelopmentLevin BR, Eden CS.. Selection and evolution of virulence in bacteria-an ecumenical excursion and modest suggestion. Parasitology 100...