Egg beaterEGG-BEATEREgg beaterAssig-noe toEgg beater as centrifuge: isolating human blood plasma from whole blood in resource-poor settingsPulling Force Characteristics of 10 s Maximal Tethered Eggbeater Kick in Elite Water Polo Players: A Pilot Study.Classification of trichome types within species of the water fern Salvinia, and ontogeny of the egg-beater trichomesClassification of trichome types within species of the water fern Salv...Coaching points for the technique of the eggbeater kick in synchronized swimming based on three-dimensional motion analysis.Eggbeater PDC Drillbit Design Eliminates Balling in Water-Based Drilling FluidsLiterature review of sculling and eggbeater kick in synchronized swimmingThe Effect of Fatigue-Induced Changes in Eggbeater-Kick Kinematics on Performance and Risk of Injury.The examination of different tests for the evaluation of the efficiency of the eggbeater kicks.