Effect of Lead Poisoning on Spectacled Eider Survival RatesSurvival of Spectacled Eider Adult Females and Ducklings during Brood RearingGull predation upon Eider Somateria mollissima ducklings: destruction or elimination of the unfit?The influence of female age on breeding in the Eider Somateria mollissimaEider, shelduck, and other predators, the main producers of shell fragments in the Wadden Sea: palaeoecological implicationsParental care in the common eider (Somateria mollissima): factors affecting abandonment and adoption of youngObservations on natural mortality and native use of eider ducks along the Beaufort Sea coastThe population dynamics of the Eider Duck Somateria mollissima and evidence of extensive non‐breeding by adult ducksFactors affecting nest site selection and nesting success in the Common Eider Somateria mollissimaSEASONAL CHANGES IN THE ADRENAL STEROID TISSUE OF THE COMMON EIDER SOMATERIA MOLLISSIMA AND ITS RELATION TO ORGANIC METABOLISM IN NO...