Electrology and localized electrization revisitedEffect of electrization of earth layers by elastic waves passing through themCharge dynamics in a model for grains electrizationDisadvantage and Manage Project on Electrization Railway Draught LoadOn comprehensive development of electrization and informationization in naval shipsPrinciple and Experimental Research on Electrization of Fuel Aiming at Assisting AtomizationElectrization and spatial charge separation at the air bubbles exhalation that occurs during the coagulation growth of hail particle...[Generation of negative air ions by wheat seedlings in a high voltage electrization of soil]A phenomenon of triboelectrization in aluminium oxide–polytetrafluoroethylene sliding contact joint operating under reduced lubrica...[Apropos of the action of meprobamate on experimental gastric ulcers obtained by the method of intermittent electrization in the whi...