electrostatic precipitator静电除尘器;电集尘器
electrostatic field静电场
electrostatic discharge静电放电
electrostatic spraying静电喷涂;静电喷射
electrostatic force静电力
electrostatic charge静电电荷;静电荷
electrostatic precipitation静电沉淀
electrostatic interaction静电作用;静电相互作用;静电相互酌
electrostatic potential静电势;静电位
electrostatic powder coating静电粉末喷涂;静电粉体涂膜
electrostatic effect静电效应
electrostatic painting静电喷涂,静电喷漆
electrostatic separator静电分离器;静电选矿机
electrostatic induction[电]静电感应
electrostatic attraction静电吸引
electrostatic spinning静电纺丝;静电纺纱
- We call this field of force, the electric or electrostatic field.
我们称这种力场为电场或静电场。 - The energy of the hydrogen bond is largely electrostatic in origin.
Electrostatic deflections and electromechanical resonances of carbon nanotubes
An approach to computing electrostatic charges for molecules
Electrostatic Free Energy and Other Properties of States Having Nonequilibrium Polarization. I
A Well-Behaved Electrostatic Potential Based Method Using Charge Restraints for Deriving Atomic Charges - the Resp Model
Approximate evaluations of the electrostatic free energy and internal energy changes in solution processes
Electrostatic interaction of a solute with a continuum. A direct utilizaion of AB initio molecular potentials for the prevision of s...
Merck molecular force field. II. MMFF94 van der Waals and electrostatic parameters for intermolecular interactions
The molecular theory of polyelectrolyte solutions with applications to the electrostatic properties of polynucleotides
Theoretical studies of enzymic reactions: dielectric, electrostatic and steric stabilization of the carbonium ion in the reaction of...
Determining atom-centered monopoles from molecular electrostatic potentials. The need for high sampling density in formamide conform...