- Our hermit, on the contrary, kept a minute check of his emaciation and felt a peculiar thrill out of such an achievement.
我们的隐士,将他自己身体日渐瘦弱的过程作了一个详尽的记录,并因此而感到怪异莫名的喜悦。 - His face was hollowed out to the point of emaciation.
Diencephalic syndrome of emaciation (Russell's syndrome).
A Diencephalic Syndrome of Emaciation in Infancy and Childhood
Diencephalic syndrome of infantile emaciation. Analysis of literature and report of further 3 cases
Three fatal cases of malabsorption of fat with emaciation and anemia, and in two acidosis and tetany
Diencephalic syndrome of emaciation in an adult associated with a third ventricle intrinsic craniopharyngioma: case report
Mortality in Laysan ducks (Anas laysanensis) by emaciation complicated by Echinuria uncinata on Laysan Island, Hawaii, 1993
Fish-to-fish transmission of Myxidium spp. (Myxozoa) in cultured tiger puffer suffering from emaciation disease.
Central pontine myelinolysis and Rosenthal fibers of the brainstem. Association with emaciation and prolonged intravenous hyperalime...
Morphologic and histochemical evaluation of muscle in patients with chronic pulmonary emphysema manifesting generalized emaciation.
Associations among immunological, parasitological and clinical parameters in canine visceral leishmaniasis: Emaciation, spleen paras...