Acute Systemic Inflammation up-Regulates Secretory Sphingomyelinase in vivo: A Possible Link between Inflammatory Cytokines and Athe...
Bacterially-Induced Preterm Labor and Regulation of Prostaglandin-Metabolizing Enzyme Expression in Mice: The Role of Toll-Like Rece...
Genetic alterations of IL-1 receptor antagonist in mice affect plasma cholesterol level and foam cell lesion size
Organic chemistry of bivalent sulfur : v.3
Organic chemistry of bivalent sulfur : v.2
An Algorithm for the Management of Hepatic Encephalopathy
Basic Cycles, Utility and Opportunism in Self-Sufficient Robots
Current use of implants in middle ear surgery
Irregular menses: An independent risk factor for gestational diabetes mellitus
Mind tickling brainteasers