EnamelwareEnamel wareEnamel wareEnamelware and glazePresenting enamelwareStudy of marking to enamelware with excimer laserResearch on marking of enamelware with excimer lasersResearch on marking of enamelware with excimer lasersCollecting Vintage Graniteware and EnamelwareMECHANISM OF THERMAL‐SHOCK FAILURE IN ENAMELWARE, AN OVEN‐TEST METHODED-XRF analysis of total suspended particulates from enamelware manufacturing industryThe Maximum Residue Limit of Leachable Hazardous Substances in Food-Contact Enamelware and Their Control MeasuresPenentuan cara pembelian bahan baku utama pada PT. Industri Afro Pacific Enamelware di Surabaya /oleh : Infik Farida