Enceladus' Water Vapor PlumeLiquid water on Enceladus from observations of ammonia and 40Ar in the plumeCassini Observes the Active South Pole of EnceladusCassini Observes the Active South Pole of EnceladusCassini encounters Enceladus: background and the discovery of a south polar hot spot.Cassini dust measurements at Enceladus and implications for the origin of the E ring.Identification of a dynamic atmosphere at Enceladus with the Cassini magnetometerCassini Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer: Enceladus Plume Composition and StructureSodium salts in E-ring ice grains from an ocean below the surface of EnceladusA salt-water reservoir as the source of a compositionally stratified plume on Enceladus