- Advance the catheter through the guiding sheath to the area of the endocardium under evaluation.Use both fluoroscopy and electrograms to aid in proper positioning.
EndocardiumendocardiumEndocardiumFactors released from endocardium of the ferret and pig modulate myocardial contractionLong-term recording of monophasic action potentials from human endocardiumGATA-4 is a novel transcription factor expressed in endocardium of the developing heartMethod and system for left ventricle endocardium surface segmentation using constrained optimal mesh smoothingRetinoic acid production by endocardium and epicardium is an injury response essential for zebrafish heart regeneration.Transient outward current prominent in canine ventricular epicardium but not endocardium.Effects of sympathetic and vagal nerves on recovery properties of the endocardium and epicardium of the canine left ventricleValidation of a new noncontact catheter system for electroanatomic mapping of left ventricular endocardiumSodium channel block produces opposite electrophysiological effects in canine ventricular epicardium and endocardiumRegional Differences in Electrophysiological Properties of Epicardium, Midmyocardium, and Endocardium In Vitro and In Vivo Correlati...