Endothermal water decomposition unit for producing hydrogen and oxygen
Exothermal and endothermal phenomena in nanocrystalline aluminum
Effect of anticoagulation on endothermal ablation of the great saphenous vein
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of endothermal catalytic reaction in catalyst porous media
A study of patient satisfaction following endothermal ablation for varicose veins.
The incidence and outcome of endothermal heat-induced thrombosis after endovenous laser ablation
Reaction temperature of solid particles undergoing an endothermal volatilization. Application to the fast pyrolysis of biomass
Consistent linearization in Finite Element analysis of coupled chemo-thermal problems with exo- or endothermal reactions
Second osmotic virial coefficient revisited: Variation with molecular weight and temperature from endothermal to exothermal conditions
Increasing ablation distance peripheral to the saphenofemoral junction may result in a diminished rate of endothermal heat-induced t...