Patient/enrollee satisfaction with healthcare and health plan
Enrollee mix, treatment intensity, and cost in competing indemnity and HMO plans
Enrollee Mix, Treatment Intensity, and Cost in Competing Indemnity and HMO Plans
Enrollee health status under Medicare risk contracts: an analysis of mortality rates.
Physician and Enrollee Knowledge of Medicaid Coverage for Tobacco Dependence Treatments.
Effects of Changing Medicaid Fees on Physician Participation and Enrollee Access
The Effect of Increased Medicaid Fees on Physician Participation and Enrollee Service Utilization in Tennessee
Effect of increased Medicaid fees on physician participation and enrollee service utilization in Tennessee, 1985-1988
Prescription drugs: elderly enrollee reports of financial access, receipt of free samples, and discussion of generic equivalents rel...
The evolution of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) in New York: changing program features and enrollee character...