Identification of Sentence-to-Sentence Relations Using a Textual EntailerAssessing Entailer with a Corpus of Natural Language from an Intelligent Tutoring SystemAssessing Forward-, Reverse-, and Average-Entailer Indices on Natural Language Input from the Intelligent Tutoring System, iSTARTAnalysis of a Textual EntailerAnalysis of a Textual EntailerThe Look and Feel of a Confident EntailerAutoTutor and Family: A Review of 17 Years of Natural Language TutoringDatos d_._e idéntificacion: Unidad Academics: Programa: Maestria y Doctorado en Ciencias e ingenieria gggfgfufi laRadio-anatomic study of the carotid axis with regard to the implantation of microsurgical vascular anastomosesAnálisis de la relación confianza-compromiso en la banca en internet