Report on Entozoal Infection amongst Prisoners [in the Zungeru Gaol, Northern Nigeria].THE PRINCIPAL AND MOST EFFICACIOUS MEANS OF PREVENTING THE SPREAD OF ENTOZOAL AFFECTIONS IN MAN.The most practical methods of control of entozoal parasites in India.Preliminary Note on the Value of Three Examinations of Faecal Specimens in the Diagnosis of Entozoal Infections.On the Anatomy of Anthocephalus, a Genus of Entozoal WormsEntozoal Infection in Northern Provinces, Nigeria.Frequency of Symptomatic Human Oeophagostomiastis (Helminthoma) in Northern TogoRectal bleeding due to ( Esophagostomum brumpti : Report of a caseMASSIVE OESOPHAGOSTOMIASIS OF THE COLON.The Endoparasites of certain South African snakes, together with some remarks on their structure and effects on their hosts. By the ...