Why are some people more likely to become small-businesses owners than others: Entrepreneurship entry and industry-specific barriersNO ENTRY BAR LOCKAdvertising, Sunk Costs and Bariers to EntryDefying Realpolitik: Human Rights and the HIV Entry BarEntry Bar as Surreptitious Deportation? Zapret na v'ezd in Russian Immigration Law and Practice: A Comparative PerspectiveEffektivität des OffRoad-Re-Entry-Kathetersystems vergleichbar mit anderen Re-Entry-SystemenNEA Leader Is Looking Ahead ... for Solutions: A Higher Bar for Entry to the Profession, a Real and Workable Peer Review Process, an...Riverstone lowers entry bar for 10GThe comparsion of the bariers to entry of the Czech Republic and the United StatesEntry to bar set for overhaul in bid to encourage top talent