PNNs decrease after EE. (A–D1) PNNs, stained by WFA (red), enwrap DCN projection neurons, labeled by SMI32 antibodies (blue).
Chained enwrapments
Chained enwrapments
Abnormal enwrapment of intramuscular axons by distal Schwann cells with defective basal lamina in the muscular dysgenic mouse embryo.
Apparatus for producing enwrapments in series
Gangion enwrapment control apparatus for long line haulers
Microanatomy of axon/glial signaling during Wallerian degeneration.
Multidentate thioether ligands coating gold nanoparticles.
Spatially discrete FGF-mediated signalling directs glial morphogenesis
Bral2 is indispensable for the proper localization of brevican and the structural integrity of the perineuronal net in the brainstem...