Myth and Epical Motifs in the Loki-Research
Moby Dick as an Epic and Captain Ahab as an Epical Hero
P(2U) purinergic receptor inhibits epical I(sK)/KvLQT1 channel via protein kinase C in vestibular dark cells
The comparison of injuries in boys' amateur epical athletes in three fields: Kyokushin ka, controlling Karate and Aikido
[Management, cost and mortality of a cohort of patients with advanced heart failure (the EPICAL study)].
Differential clinical prognostic classifications in dilated and ischemic advanced heart failure: the EPICAL study
Self-rating of quality of life provides additional prognostic information in heart failure. Insights into the EPICAL study
Novel marker genes for early leaf development indicate spatial regulationof carbohydrate metabolism within the epical meristem
Incidence, clinical and etiologic features, and outcomes of advanced chronic heart failure: the EPICAL Study. Epidémiologie de l'In...
Management, cost and mortality of a cohort of patients with advanced heart failure (the EPICAL study) [Prise en charge et coût de l...