- Frank's errancy consisted mostly of pranks.
Biblical Errancy: A Reference GuideHistories of Errancy: Oral Yoruba Abiku Texts and Soyinka's "Abiku"Histories of Errancy: Oral Yoruba "Àbíkú"Texts and Soyinka's "Abiku"Errancy and Libertine Education in Crébillon fils's Les Égarements du cœur et de l'espritHistories of Errancy: Oral Yoruba "Àbíkú"Texts and Soyinka's "Abiku"Way Stations in the Errancy of the Word: A Study of Calderórn's "La vida es sueño"Deviant Modernism: Sexual and Textual Errancy in T.S. Eliot, James Joyce, and Marcel Proust"I am writing this to be as wrong as possible to you": Anne Carson's ErrancyDeviant Modernism: Sexual and Textual Errancy in T. S. Eliot, James Joyce, and Marcel Proust by Colleen LamosEpigenetic regulation of host response to LPS: causing tolerance while avoiding Toll errancy.