Stabilit'e structurelle et mor-phog'en`eseDatabase resources of the National Center for Biotechnology InformationPrevalence of common mental disorders in Italy: results from the European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders (ESEMeD).Determinants of aggressive end-of-life care for Taiwanese cancer decedents, 2001 to 2006.GU IDELINES FO R THE TREATMENT OF MALARIAFirst-principles computation of material properties: the ABINIT software projectESEfinder: A web resource to identify exonic splicing enhancers.Identification of a new subset of myeloid suppressor cells in peripheral blood of melanoma patients with modulation by a granulocyte...[The burden of depressive disorders in Germany - results from the European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders (ESEMeD)].Acoustic determinants of infant preference for motherese speech.