用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- devote one's evenings to把晚上时间用于…
- enjoy an evening愉快地度过晚上时间
- pass an evening度过一个晚上
- spend an evening花一个晚上的时间
- take an evening占用一个晚上时间
- have an evening开晚会
形容词+~- another evening另一个晚上
- bad evening糟糕的夜晚
- beautiful evening美丽的夜晚
- certain evening某个傍晚
- cheerful evening欢快的晚会
- clear evening晴朗的夜晚
- early evening傍晚
- late evening深夜
- musical evening音乐晚会
- next evening第二天晚上
- nice evening美妙的夜晚
- pleasant evening令人愉快的夜晚
- same evening同一天傍晚〔晚上〕
- several evenings好几个晚上
- social evening社交晚会
- this evening今天晚上
- whole evening整个晚上
名词+~- autumn evening秋夜
- Monday evening星期一晚上
- moonlight evening明月高照的夜晚
- summer evening夏夜
- Sunday evening星期天晚上
- tomorrow evening明天晚上
- yesterday evening昨天晚上
~+名词- evening college夜大学
- evening paper晚报
- evening party晚会
- evening study晚自习
介词+~- at evening日落时
- by evening傍晚前
- from evening to midnight从黄昏到半夜
- in the evening在晚上
- on Monday evening在星期一晚上
- on that evening在那天傍晚
~+介词- the evening after next后天晚上
- the evening before last前天晚上
- evening of life晚年
in the evening在晚上
good evening晚上好
yesterday evening昨天晚上,前晚
tomorrow evening明天晚上
evening party晚会
evening dress夜礼服
english evening英语晚会;英语之夜
evening primrose月见草;夜来香
early evening傍晚
evening paper晚报
on the evening of在…的晚上;在…日的傍晚
evening primrose oil月见草油
evening show夜场
evening meal晚餐
towards evening傍晚
evening star昏星;长庚星;晚星
evening gown n. 女子夜礼服
evening wear n. 晚礼服
evening shift晚班;小夜班
evening post晚邮报
- Could you come back home early this evening?
今天晚上你能早回家吗? - I had a severe headache that evening.
那天晚上我头特别疼。 - In the evening we went to see a film.
晚上我们去看了一场电影。 - The evening sky flamed with red and orange.
傍晚天空的颜色是一片火红和橘黄相间。 - They rounded off the evening by singing a song.
Evening Primrose Oil For Atopic Dermatitis: Time To Say Goodnight
Information transfer at evening bat colonies
Length and sequence variation in evening bat D-loop mtDNA.
Morning and evening peaks of activity rely on different clock neurons of the Drosophila brain.
Coupled oscillators control morning and evening locomotor behaviour of Drosophila.
Sleep loss results in an elevation of cortisol levels the next evening
Tree-roost Characteristics of Subadult and Female Adult Evening Bats (Nycticeius humeralis) in the Upper Coastal Plain of South Caro...
Diet, echolocation calls, and phylogenetic affinities of the great evening bat (Ia IO; Vespertilionidae): Another carnivorous bat
Grima, B., Chelot, E., Xia, R. & Rouyer, F. Morning and evening peaks of activity rely on different clock neurons of the Drosophila ...
Partitioning of Food Resources by Syntopic Eastern Red (Lasiurus borealis), Seminole (L. seminolus) and Evening (Nycticeius humerali...