- On the contrary, in fact, his view of nature derives from evolutionism.
其实,恰恰相反,他的自然观源于进化论。 - Withal, many biologists who persist in evolutionism fell into a dilemma.
Evolutionism in cultural anthropology
Social evolutionism : a critical history
Evolutionism in Cultural Anthropology: A Critical History by Robert L. Carneiro
UI进化论 : UI evolutionism : 移动设备人机交互界面设计
[Individual development and lessons of evolutionism].
Catastrophism Versus Evolutionism. (Scientific Books: The Material Basis of Evolution)
General Physiology, Experimental Psychology, and Evolutionism
A Question of Properly Rights: Richard Owen's Evolutionism Reassessed
Complex Adaptive Systems, Evolutionism, and Ecology within Anthropology: Interdisciplinary Research for Understanding Cultural and E...
An Agent-Based Model of Innovation Emergence in Organizations: Renault and Ford Through the Lens of Evolutionism