exempt from豁免,免除
exempt from tax免税
tax exempt免税的
- He is exempt from military service.
他免服兵役。 - These houses are exempt from paying rates.
- Poor eyesight will exempt you from military service.
视力不佳将使你免服兵役。 - We hope you will exempt us from taxes.
Production de retrovirus exempts d'auxiliaires, a titre eleve par transfection transitoire
EPA exempts least-toxic pesticides
Milieux de culture de cellules exempts de proteine animale
Nivell d’adquisició de les competències de condició física i salut i d’expressió corporal en alumnes exempts d’Educació Fís...
Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Waste - RCRA Exemptions and Non-exempts
Ecological Tax Reform with Exemptions for the Export Sector in a Two Sector Two Factor Model
ChemInform Abstract: Stereochemistry of the Dicarbonylation of Olefins Using Styrene as the Model Compound.
The Use of Tax Havens in Exemption Regimes
Tax-exempt investors and the asset allocation puzzle
Phase I/II dose-finding study of crizotinib (CRIZ) in combination with erlotinib (E) in patients (pts) with advanced non-small cell ...