expect for



  1. I have never expect for your apology. I accept your apology.
  2. Hope for the best and expect for the worst.


Sleep in Infants ( 2 – 12 Months )
Sleep in Newborns ( 0 – 2 Months )
Nanosuspensions as particulate drug formulations in therapy. Rationale for development and what we can expect for the future.
Liposomal drug formulations. Rationale for development and what we can expect for the future
Bioenergy: how much can we expect for 2050?
What stock market returns to expect for the future?
Fluid dynamics and Quark Gluon string model — What we can expect for Au+Au collisions at 11.6 ja:math
Taxing snack foods what to expect for diet and tax revenues
The trend in female labour force participation: What to expect for the future?
A 2-Year Outcome Study of the Check, Connect, and Expect Intervention for Students at Risk for Severe Behavior Problems.