- The expectation of a future subsidy discourages private investment.
未来津贴的期望使私有投资者泄气。 - Needy students who pass the means test will receive a subsidy for home-school travel during term time.
Evaluating Export Subsidy ProgramsDomestic export subsidy and foreign welfare ☆Effects of an Export Subsidy on the U.S. Cotton IndustryEvaluating export subsidy programs: the case of U.S. barley.The impact of EU export subsidy reductions on U.S. dairy exportsIS AN EXPORT SUBSIDY A ROBUST TRADE POLICY RECOMMENDATION TOWARD A UNIONIZED DUOPOLY?THE IMPACTS OF EXPORT SUBSIDY REDUCTION COMMITMENTS IN THE AGREEMENT ON AGRICULTUREThe Impacts of WTO Export Subsidy Abolition on the Agri-food Industry in the EU: A Preliminary AssessmentThe impacts of export subsidy reduction commitments in the agreement on agriculture and international trade: a general assessment.Labor-managed and capitalistic firms in international duopoly: The effects of export subsidy