juice extractor榨汁机
dust extractor集尘器
oil extractor油分离器
water extractor脱水机;干燥器
air extractor抽气机
- We have an extractor fan in the kitchen to get rid of the smell of cooking.
我们的厨房里有台排气扇,用来消除油烟。 - He makes fresh orange juice with an electric extractor.
POWER EXTRACTOR DETECTING POWER AND VOLTAGE CHANGESA CMOS fault extractor for inductive fault analysisEfficient Helper Data Key Extractor on FPGAsRenovo:a hidden code extractor for packed executablesAcrophile: an automated acronym extractor and serverAverage magnitude difference function pitch extractorAMUSE: a minimally-unsatisfiable subformula extractorA Statistical Corpus-Based Term Extractor 1 A Statistical Corpus-Based Term ExtractorA high-efficiency, "low-technology"Tullgren-type extractor for soilmicroarthropods.A RAPID METHOD FOR ESTIMATING OESTROGENS IN URINE USING A SEMI-AUTOMATIC EXTRACTOR