- Gao Chuan-chi asked if extrasensory perception was in connection with knowledge or experiences.Ms.
EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTIONExtrasensory PerceptionEXTRASENSORY PERCEPTIONTelepathyImplicit Philosophies of Mind: The Dualism Scale and Its Relation to Religiosity and Belief in Extrasensory PerceptionBayesian Cognitive Modeling: Extrasensory perceptionExtrasensory perception: Odorant and taste receptors beyond the nose and mouthExtra-sensory perception after sixty years.ESP: Extrasensory Perception or Effect of Subjective Probability?Game for measuring extrasensory perceptionExtra-sensory perception after sixty years: A critical appraisal of the research in extra-sensory perception.A ‘sheep-goat effect’ in repetition avoidance: Extra-sensory perception as an effect of subjective probability?Rhine and extrasensory perception