A portable extruding device for close interval sectioning of unconsolidated core samples
Disturbed extruding mechanism of lamellar bodies in dry non-eczematous skin of atopics.
Dissolving compound and lipid in aprotic sovent, extruding into aqueous solution
Construction Technology of Extruding Side Wall of Concrete Face Rockfill Dam
Maintenance of the macromolecular barrier at cell extrusion sites in intestinal epithelium: physiological rearrangement of tight jun...
Nutrient requirements of swine.
Scaffolds in tissue engineering bone and cartilage
The K+/Cl− co-transporter KCC2 rendersGABA hyperpolarizing during neuronal maturation
Exhumation of ultrahigh‐pressure continental crust in east central China: Late Triassic‐Early Jurassic tectonic unroofing
Catalase in salivary gland striated and excretory duct cells. II. phi body: an ellipsoidal peroxisomal organelle with crystalloid ax...