- The hot sun made him exude sweat.
烈日晒得他汗流浃背。 - Some successful men exude self-confidence.
有些成功的人流露出自信。 - She does not exude maternal warmth.
她没有散发出母性的温暖。 - Sweat exudes through the pores.
Roots of Sorghum Exude Hydrophobic Droplets Containing Biologically Active Components
Transgenic rice plants expressing human CYP1A1 exude herbicide metabolites from their roots
Limitations to the Potential of Transgenic Trifolium subterraneum L. Plants that Exude Phytase when Grown in Soils with a Range of ...
Cosmetic and pharmaceutical sheet material containing polypeptides
The Role of Trichomes in Plant Defense
Plant root exudates
Nutrient cycling in forests
Biodegradability of Dissolved Organic Matter in Forest Throughfall, Soil Solution, and Stream Water
Tansley Review No. 50. Nutrient Cycling in Forests
Finite element implementation of incompressible, transversely isotropic hyperelasticity