- I struggled against the ungenerous exultation that in such a supreme moment of existence will rise in the best-mannered sportsman's breast.
我拼命地想压抑即使最有涵养的猎手在这种狂喜时刻也会产生的那种得意忘形的劲头。 - With order restored, the citizens were in great exultation.
日月重光,民心大悦。 - My home is the home of laughter and exultation.
A Shadowy Exultation
Singing in Exultation
From Anguish to Exultation
"Exultation des corps, des cœurs": L'amant du lac de Virginia Pésémapéo Bordeleau
The Antependium of Nedstryn and the Exultation of the Cross
Greek ὀλολύζω and Hittite palwai- : Exultation in the Ritual Slaughter of Animals
The Oracle concerning Babylon, and the Song of Exultation, from Isaiah, chap. xiii. and xiv., etc. [In verse.]
The Ottoman Turks, “terror” of the West, defeated at the gates of Vienna: the cause for exultation and celebration in the Spanish ...
Rejoinder to Tanya Castleman: Stephen Rimmer's response to Castleman, T. Premature exultation: how the demise of inequality has been...