STUDIES ON THE OCCURRENCE OF INCOMPLETELY EXUVIATED PUPA OF SILKWORM(BOMBYX MORI L.)FEEDING ON ARTIFICAL DIETEffects of Bb α-toxin on exuviated 4th-instar silkworm larvae.Comparison of Toxicities of Chlorfenapyr to the Newly Exuviated Larvae of Different Sexual Silkworm(Bombyx mori)Electron probe X-ray microanalysis and fine structure of disk-like deposits on newly exuviated Bombyx larvaeExuviated bullet with plastic holderInfluence of rearing temperature and leaf quality of mulberry on appearance rate of incompletely exuviated pupa [silk worm].Research and development of chinquapin exuviating technology and equipmentThe effects of ammonia-N and sulfureted hydrogen on the growth and ecdysis of Penaeus japonicas larvaeExperiment and Research on Ginkgo Shell-exuviating TechnologyResearch of Chinquapin Exuviating Equipment and Technology