Exuvium analysis: A nondestructive method of analyzing copepod growth and developmentMolecular identification of mosquito vectors using genomic DNA isolated from eggshells, larval and pupal exuvium.The Final Instar Exuvium of Pycna semiclara Germar, 1834 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae)Newly molted Asian citrus psyllid nymph, its exuvium (still attached to the leaf midrib with the old inserted stylets) and its long ...Insect exuvium extracted DNA marker: a good complementary molecular taxonomic characteristics with special reference to mosquitoesLimb autotomy along with exuvium in freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium malcolmsoniiLoss of egg mass with exuvium in Macrobrachium nobilii.exuvium of Ictinogomphus pertinax taken at Matsuura, Nagasaki PrefectureAnother Record of Zebra Mussel Attached to an Exuvium of Epitheca princeps and Inferences of EffectA FOLYAMI SZITAKÖTŐK (ODONATA: GOMPHIDAE) ELŐFORDULÁSA MA GYARORSZÁGON A LÁRVA- ÉS EXUVIUMADATOK ALAPJÁN