Cambridge Library Collection - Maritime Exploration, Histoire générale des voyages par Dumont D'Urville, D'Orbigny, Eyriès et A...Pulmonary hypertension in patients with neurofibromatosis type IMethod for estimating a carrier leak, an estimator and modulation system provided with automatic control of a carrier using said sys...Mechanisms of exertional dyspnoea in pulmonary ...Genetic analyses in a cohort of children with pulmonary hypertensionMETHODS FOR THE TREATMENT AND THE DIAGNOSIS OFPULMONARY ARTERIAL HYPERTENSIONClinical phenotypes and outcomes of heritable and sporadic pulmonary veno-occlusive disease: a population-based study.In Vitro fertilization failure of normozoospermic men: search for a lack of testicular isozyme of angiotensin-converting enzyme.Aurélie Dudezert, La connaissance dans les entreprisesPascal LARDELLIER (dir.), La métamorphose des cultures. Sociétés et organisations à l’ère de la globalisation (Dijon, Edition...