facial expression面部表情
facial nerve面神经;颜面神经
facial feature面貌
facial recognition面部识别;面孔识别
facial cleanser洗面奶;洁面乳
facial hair面部毛发
facial tissue n. 化妆纸
facial cream面霜
facial spasm[医]面痉挛
facial soap面皂
- She is having a facial massage.
她正做脸部按摩。 - The cream dissolves facial hair.
这种化妆品能清除脸上的汗毛。 - She wiped off the sweat from her face with a piece of facial tissue.
她用一张面巾纸擦掉脸上的汗水。 - The scientists are studying facial proportions.
科学家们正在研究面部比例。 - Each warrior has different facial expression and manner.
- She had a facial at the beauty parlor.
她在美容院做了一次美容。 - I've made an appointment for a facial next week.
[Facial nerve grading system]
Facial Nerve Grading System 2.0
Facial Action Coding System (FACS): a Technique for the Measurement of Facial Actions
The NimStim set of facial expressions: judgments from untrained research participants
Looking at pictures: affective, facial, visceral, and behavioral reactions
Impaired recognition of emotion in facial expressions following bilateral damage to the human amygdala.
Masked presentations of emotional facial expressions modulate amygdala activity without explicit knowledge
A neuromodulatory role for the human amygdala in processing emotional facial expressions.
A differential neural response in the human amygdala to fearful and happy facial expressions
Dynamic Texture Recognition Using Local Binary Patterns with an Application to Facial Expressions