用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词- fair allocation of funds资金的公平分配
- fair chance of success相当大的成功可能性
- fair complexion白嫩的皮肤
- fair fame清白的名声
- fair heritage大笔遗产
- fair judge公正的法官
- fair landscape美景
- fair play公平的比赛
- fair prospect充满希望的前景
- fair sky晴空
- fair treatment公平的待遇
- fair trial公平的审判
- fair weather天气晴朗
- fair word花言巧语
副词+~- merely fair一般水平
- perfectly fair完全公正
- scrupulously fair绝对公正
~+介词- fair in buying and selling买卖公平
- fair of sb对某人公平
- fair to both sides对双方都公平
- fair with each other互相公平对待
用作副词 (adv.)
动词+~- play fair做得公平
- speak fair说话彬彬有礼
用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- have fair举行交易会
- hold fair举办交易会
形容词+~- agricultural fair农产品展览会
- annual fair年度交易会
- industrial fair工业品展览会
名词+~- book fair书展
- cattle fair牛市
- livestock fair牲口集市
- night fair夜市
- village fair乡村集市
- world fair世博会
- He won the game fair and square.
他赢得这次比赛是公平的。 - Soames said that he was not getting a fair go.
索米斯说他没有得到公平的对待。 - The rainbow promises fair weather.
虹预示晴朗的天气。 - A foul morning may turn to a fair day.
- The visitors spied the exhibits at the fair.
参观者细细察看展览会上的陈列品。 - Do you want to pre-register the following Fair?
请问阁下是否有兴趣优先登记以下展览会? - There is a fair in the town square.
市中心广场有个市集。 - I laughed at her at the fair, and this happened to me!
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FAIR exempting separate T (1) measurement (FAIREST): a novel technique for online quantitative perfusion imaging and multi-contrast ...
“Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is fairest of all?” – Distributional sensitivity in the measurement of socioeconom...
Best and Fairest: An Empirical Analysis of Retrieval System Bias