用作动词 (v.)
~+副词- fancy hard难以想象
- fancy much不很喜欢
- fancy rather相当喜欢
- fancy boundlessly无限想象
- fancy enthusiastically热情地想象
- fancy romantically浪漫地空想
- fancy up装饰
- fancy up a house装饰房子
~+介词- fancy as自负地认为(某人)是
- fancy as an actress(某人)自以为是个演员
用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- attract〔please, suit〕 sb's fancy吸引住某人
- catch〔strike, take〕 sb's fancy投合某人的心意
- have〔take〕 a fancy for喜爱,热衷于
- take a fancy to爱好,喜欢,爱上
形容词+~- idle fancy胡思乱想
- lively fancy丰富的想象
- unrealistic fancy不切实际的幻想
- wild fancy不着边际的空想
介词+~- the power of fancy想象力
- wild flights of fancy胡思乱想
- give (a) loose to the fancy随意空想
用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词- fancy hairdo别致的发型
- fancy restaurant高级饭馆
- fancy fruits昂贵的水果
- fancy skating花样溜冰
take a fancy to喜欢;爱上
fancy yarn花式纱
fancy dress n. 化装舞会所穿着的服装
have a fancy for 喜欢, 想要;热衷于…;爱好
fancy oneself as认为自己(可以成为..);自以为是(某种人材)
fancy for sth喜欢某物
fancy style花哨的风格
fancy dress ball化装舞会;假面舞会
after one's fancy中意的,合意的
fancy soap香皂
fancy paper热门股票
- She wants to buy a handbag, not fancy but strong.
我想买一个手提包不要花俏,而要耐用。 - These fancy arguments befuddled us.
这些复杂的论据令我们疑惑不已。 - All eyes were rested on the fancy car.
所有的眼神都注视那部新奇的车。 - A fancy hairstyle will be great for a party.
参加晚会梳个时尚发型很不错。 - He sells poor goods and charges fancy prices.
他出售的商品很糟,要价却非常昂贵。 - The store sells fancy fresh fruits.
- The painting took his fancy, so he bought it.
这幅画被他看中了,所以他就把它买了下来。 - I have taken a fancy to that new bicycle.
我非常喜欢那辆新自行车。 - You have to discriminate between fact and fancy.
你得分清事实与幻想。 - In the spring, a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.
- I fancy they're getting on well with each other.
我猜想他们相处得不错。 - I fancy that my friend will be all right.
我希望我的朋友平安无事。 - He is not at all the kind of man I fancy.
Fancying France
"The Comfort of My Fancying": Loss and Recuperation in The Gates Ajar
"You Fancying Your Gora Coach Is Okay with Me": Translating Multilingual Films for an Italian Audience
The Cultural Logic of Euthanasia: "Sad Fancyings"in Herman Melville's "Bartleby"
Fancying and Enjoying in the Secular World: The Evolution and Style of Gong'an Stories in the Periods of Song and Yuan Dynasty
HAVE YOU DONE YOUR HOMING WORK, KIDS? School Teaches Pigeon Fancying
Assessment in art and design education: Further reflections upon whippet-fancying and Procrustes
Pigeon geographies: aesthetics, organisation, and athleticism in British pigeon fancying, c.1850-1939
Gateway, Instrument, Environment : The Aquarium as a Hybrid Space between Animal Fancying and Experimental Zoology
I feel guilty for ogling girls in mini-skirts. Yet no one would call my wife a dirty old woman for fancying a handsome cricketer