Is NRA Fascistic?Benjamin, The Televisual And The Fascistic SubjectFascistic Paintings in the Nationalgalerie? Italian Contemporary Art in Berlin 1921-1933From the Democratic Constitution to the Fascistic ConstitutionFrance and the Policy of Fascistic Italy on the Balkans in the First Year of Mussolini's GovernanceJohann von Leers and the "fascistic Internationale"of the fifties and sixties in Argentina and EgyptOne Forgotten Anti-Fascistic Theorist——Neumann and the origin,background and thinking of his criticism of NazismMyth and ideology. An analysis of the pre-fascistic literature in the second German Reich: Hermann Löns, Hermann Burte and Walter F...Reinventing Holmes: The Hidden, Inner, Life of a Cynical, Ambitious, Detached, and Fascistic Old Judge without Values"THE HUMANITY OF THE EYES OPENED"THE LINGUISTIC-DISCURSIVE REPRESENTATION OF THE FASCISTIC REGIME IN THE NATIONAL OBSERVER AT THE E...