Threats to Imperiled Freshwater FaunaFauna Europaea: Annelida - Hirudinea, incl. Acanthobdellea and Branchiobdellea.Decline of a Tropical Montane Amphibian FaunaThe ant fauna of a tropical rainforest: estimating species richness three different waysExtinction Rates of North American Freshwater FaunaA Mammalian Fauna. (Paleoanthropology without Inhibitions: Pleistocene Mammals of North America)The Anolis Lizards of Bimini: Resource Partitioning in a Complex FaunaTHE MAMMALS OF PARACOU, FRENCH GUIANA: A NEOTROPICAL LOWLAND RAINFOREST FAUNA PART 2. NONVOLANT SPECIESOrganization of a Plant-Arthropod Association in Simple and Diverse Habitats: The Fauna of Collards (Brassica Oleracea)Molecular Population Structure and the Biogeographic History of a Regional Fauna: A Case History with Lessons for Conservation Biology