- Featherbedding provisions in labor contracts may result from the continuation of work rules that were once efficient but that have become obsolete because of changed technology.
FeatherbeddingFeatherbedding /'Featherbedding'Job sharingWork Rules, Featherbedding, and Pareto-Optimal Union Management BargainingEconomies of scale and a featherbedding cartel?: a reconsideration of the interwar British coal industry 1The Economics of FeatherbeddingFeatherbedding: A Theoretical AnalysisTop Management FeatherbeddingNot featherbedding, but feathering the nest: human resource management and investments in information technologyGovernmental Restraints on FeatherbeddingWeinstein on Featherbedding: A CommentFeatherbedding: An Assertion of Property Rights