- I have a feathery hat.
我有一顶饰有羽毛的帽子。 - It is snowing with feathery snowflakes.
Pseudo-feathery dunes in the Kumtagh Desert
〈110〉 dendrite growth in aluminum feathery grains
The significance of sweet potato feathery mottle virus in subsistence sweet potato production in Africa.
Identification of a sweet potato feathery mottle virus isolate from China (SPFMV-CH) by the polymerase chain reaction with degenerat...
Properties of strains of sweet potato feathery mottle virus and two newly recognized potyviruses infecting sweet potato in the Unite...
Complete nucleotide sequence and genome organization of sweet potato feathery mottle virus (S strain) genomic RNA:the large coding r...
Complete nucleotide sequence and genome organization of sweet potato feathery mottle virus (S strain) genomic RNA: the large coding ...
Comparisons of coat protein gene sequences show that East African isolates of Sweet potato feathery mottle virus form a genetically...
Homology-dependent virus resistance in transgenic plants with the coat protein gene of sweet potato feathery mottle potyvirus: targe...
Virus resistance in transgenic sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas L. (Lam)] expressing the coat protein gene of sweet potato feathery mott...