- Feign authorship of a novel.
冒充小说的著作人 - Her efforts to feign cheerfulness weren't convincing.
Detection of Feigned Mental Disorders
Neural correlates of feigned memory impairment
Assessment of feigned cognitive impairment: A neuropsychological perspective.
Can Duchenne smiles be feigned? New evidence on felt and false smiles.
Detection of feigned mental disorders: a meta-analysis of the MMPI-2 and malingering
Detection of Feigned Mental Disorders on the Personality Assessment Inventory: A Discriminant Analysis
A new technique for the assessment and modification of feigned memory deficit
Screening for feigned psychiatric symptoms in a forensic sample by using the MMPI-2 and the structured inventory of malingered sympt...
Discrete neurophysiological correlates in prefrontal cortex during hysterical and feigned disorder of movement.
Victoria Symptom Validity Test: Efficiency for detecting feigned memory impairment and relationship to neuropsychological tests and ...