- He was used to send out feneration.
Maximal frequent itemset feneration based on graphThe condition of entrepreneurial intention and its antecedents for new feneration nigrant workersRisk factors for SMEs involved in electric power fenerationEffects of Wing Size and Aspect Ratio of a Passively Twisted Flapping Wing on Aerodynamic Force FenerationVOLCANIC MICRO TERMOR OF THE SECOND KIND : NATURE OF ITS WAVE FENERATION AND SOURCE CONDITIONBrowsing ERC Research Collection by Subject "Wind power feneration"Thermoelectric cooling and power fenerationBehaviour and feneration among the Munda of Eastern IndiaLa littérature française contemporaine dans les revues italiennes : étude de réception (1919-1943)New ID-Based Threshold Signature Scheme from Bilinear Pairings