- Flowers are often fertilized by bees as they gather nectar.
Blue-green algae to fertilise Indian rice paddies
Evolutionary push could help crops self-fertilise
Utilisation d'oligomeres d'hyaluronane pour traiter un embryon fertilise in vitro et pour denuder un ovocyte avant fertilisation
Fluorescent sperm offer a method for tracking the real-time success of ejaculates when they compete to fertilise eggs:
Prolonged storage of epididymal spermatozoa does not affect their capacity to fertilise in vitro-matured domestic cat (Felis catus) ...
The potential and pitfalls of exploiting nitrogen fixing bacteria in agricultural soils as a substitute for inorganic fertiliser
A laboratory and glasshouse evaluation of chicken litter ash, wood ash, and iron smelting slag as liming agents and P fertilisers
Etude de la mineralomasse et du cycle biologique dans deux peuplements de pin laricio de Corse, dont l'un a ete fertilise a la plant...
Distribution and identity of labelled products following autumn application of 15N-labelled urea or potassium nitrate fertilisers to...
Recension critique des écrits sur l’empowerment ou quand l’expérience de femmes victimes de violence conjugale fertilise des con...