Functional endonasal sinus surgery (FESS) in the pediatric age group.
When FESS fails: The inflammatory load hypothesis in refractory chronic rhinosinusitis †
[The first clinical use of an Dynamic Registration Tool for Navigation in FESS].
Atmospheric degradation of fluoroesters (FESs): Gas-phase reactivity study towards OH radicals at 298 K
An imaging checklist for pre-FESS CT: framing a surgically relevant report
The treatment of sinusitis following maxillary sinus grafting with the association of functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) and...
FESS control: realization and evaluation of navigated control for functional endoscopic sinus surgery
[Evaluation of a daily used navigation system for FESS]
Our experience with FESS in children.
Glasslike Heat Conduction in High-Mobility Crystalline Semiconductors