- It was said, that ghost and fiend consorted with him there.
据说魔鬼在那儿与他相会。 - Yes, his friends thought he might be possessed by a fiend.
Brittle asthma: fiend or phantom?
Dreams of the rarebit fiend
Was the Green Knight a Fiend?
Friend or fiend:prototyping for social cohesion
The World of the Righteous Dope Fiend
Narrow-band FiEnd etalon filters using expanded-core fibers
Analogy– a friend or fiend when solving math problems?
FiEnd filters: passive multilayer thin-film optical filters deposited on fibre ends
Dreams of the Rarebit Fiend: food and diet as instigators of bizarre and disturbing dreams
Gorgons, cars and the frightful fiend: Representations of fear in social work and counselling