FIFA and the contest for world football: who rules the people's game?Medical report from the 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany.Football Injuries During FIFA Tournaments and the Olympic Games, 1998–2001Injuries and illnesses of football players during the 2010 FIFA World CupResidents' perceptions on impacts of the FIFA 2002 World Cup: the case of Seoul as a host city.Change of images of South Korea among foreign tourists after the 2002 FIFA World CupFootball Injuries During FIFA Tournaments and the Olympic Games, 1998–2001 Development and Implementation of an Injury-Reporting Sy...Mega-events as a Response to Poverty Reduction: The 2010 FIFA World Cup and its Urban Development ImplicationsCritical reflections on the economic impact assessment of a mega-event: the case of 2002 FIFA World CupHigh adherence to a neuromuscular injury prevention programme (FIFA 11+) improves functional balance and reduces injury risk in Cana...