- A few anecdotes will add a fillip to your book.
几则轶事会对你的书增加刺激性。 - A few jokes will add a final fillip to your speech.
Wingless secretion promotes and requires retromer-dependent cycling of WntlessA genome‐wide RNA interference screen uncovers two p24 proteins as regulators of Wingless secretionWnt signalling requires MTM-6 and MTM-9 myotubularin lipid-phosphatase function in Wnt-producing cellsModulators of calcium influx regulate membrane excitability in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons.Pipe racking systemRestoration of calcium influx corrects membrane hyperexcitability in injured rat dorsal root ganglion neurons.Labeling strategies for 13C-detected aligned-sample solid-state NMR of proteinsSystematic Evaluation of Drosophila CRISPR Tools Reveals Safe and Robust Alternatives to Autonomous Gene Drives in Basic ResearchDecorative light support clipHand brake