- The wine was pink and slightly fizzy.
这葡萄酒呈粉红色,有点起泡。 - They had potato chips, fizzy drinks and chocolate at the party.
APC/Fizzy-Related targets Aurora-A kinase for proteolysis
Fizzy is required for activation of the APC/cyclosome in Xenopus egg extracts
A Role for the Fizzy/Cdc20 Family of Proteins in Activation of the APC/C Distinct from Substrate Recruitment
Drosophila fizzy-related down-regulates mitotic cyclins and is required for cell proliferation arrest and entry into endocycles
Exit from mitosis is regulated by Drosophila fizzy and the sequential destruction of cyclins A, B and B3.
Activation of the human anaphase-promoting complex by proteins of the CDC20/Fizzy family
A fission yeast homolog of CDC20/p55CDC/Fizzy is required for recovery from DNA damage and genetically interacts with p34cdc2.
The Drosophila cell cycle gene fizzy is required for normal degradation of cyclins A and B during mitosis and has homology to the CD...
The Polo-like kinase Cdc5p and the WD-repeat protein Cdc20p/fizzy are regulators and substrates of the anaphase promoting complex in...
Cell cycle-regulated expression, phosphorylation, and degradation of p55Cdc. A mammalian homolog of CDC20/Fizzy/slp1